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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Healthy Skin Sense

Is It True That Bathing Can Dry Skin? If So, How Will I Keep Myself Clean?

It sounds strange, but the thing we do to stay clean and healthy - BATHING - can be unhealthy for our skin. The good news is it doesn't have to be, if you do it right. First of all, avoid harsh deodorant or anti-bacterial soaps. They rob your skin of essential lipids. Instead, try mild moisturizing soaps or a body wash. Also, avoid taking very long or very hot showers. Just bathe with cool or lukewarm water, and try not to stay in the water too long... don't wait till your fingertips wrinkle up like raisins!

I Notice That The Smokers I Know Seem To Age Earlier. Is That Just A Coincidence?

That's a great observation -- and no, it's not a coincidence. Smoking ages the skin in many ways. It constricts the blood vessels under the skin, so the skin doesn't get all the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It exposes the skin to toxic chemicals and increases the level of free radicals in the body, which also contribute to rapid aging. Years of smoking will cause your skin to wrinkle prematurely, and even have a grayish color. Plus, all that squinting from the smoke and pursing the lips around the cigarette also mean more wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. So vain smokers, beware! You might not care about the health risks of smoking, but you'll surely hate the wrinkles it'll give you!

Is There Really Such A Thing As Beauty Sleep?

While you don't have to do it for as long as Sleeping Beauty did, sleep is necessary for healthy skin. Ever noticed how bad you look after a sleepless night? Whether it's dark circles and bags under your eyes, a dull complexion or pimples, lack of sleep can't be hidden. Sleep is necessary so your body can repair skin cells damaged during the day. So get at least eight hours a night and wake up looking and feeling your best!

I Know That Some Vitamins Are Good For The Skin. Can I Get Enough Of These Vitamins From The Food I Eat?

Ideally, food is the best source of vitamins. However, processing, refining, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and nutrient-poor soil can all have negative effects on food's nutrition. Cooking and storage can also reduce nutrient levels. So even if you eat very healthfully, it's very hard to get enough vitamins from just food. Stressful living conditions and pollution also use up our vitamins. This is why even doctors recommend that we supplement our diets with additional vitamins.

I've Heard A Lot About Free Radicals And Antioxidants. What Are They And How Do They Affect My Skin?

Free radicals are oxygen molecules that are broken up or oxidized by environmental factors such as sunlight, cigarette smoke, pesticides, radiation, and pollution, which are unavoidable in today's world. They attack the skin and can cause wrinkles and sagging, as well as those "age spots" which many old people have. Antioxidants help prevent harmful cell damage by fighting off these free radicals. They protect skin cells and tissues against the environment by blocking pollutants, and can even help remove wrinkles that have already formed. Some of the best antioxidants are vitamins, such as vitamins C and E. Vitamin C helps reduce some of the aging effects of smoking or chemicals. It's also essential for tissue strength and production of collagen, which is a major component for youthful skin. Vitamin C plumps the skin to tighten and tone sagging skin. Vitamin E moisturizes from within and aids in tissue repair or wound healing. It reduces sun damage and helps protect against air pollution. When applied on the skin, it plays a crucial role in protecting from free radical damage. Vitamin E and C work together as one of nature's most effective antioxidant teams. Vitamin C "reactivates" Vitamin E, allowing it to keep on working to fight free radicals. These two are your skin's best friends in the fight against aging!

What Is The Most Effective Way To Apply Lotion?

It's best to apply it right after you shower, because that's when you lose skin lipids. Don't dry yourself off completely; leave your skin damp, so you can "trap" some moisture inside with the lotion. Then massage the lotion into your skin, until it's fully absorbed.

Clean Doesn't Always Equal Healthy

Most people use soap on their skin because it's often the only way they know to get really clean. But what they don't know is that clean skin isn't always healthy! Soap works by washing away dirt and undesirable oil from skin. Unfortunately, it also removes skin's natural lipid protection, which is its moisture barrier. This is why skin can feel tight and dry after soaping. After soaping, don't forget to replace lost lipids with lotion.

Work Out Your Skin!

Just as proper diet and nutrition contribute to your skin's health, so does physical exercise. It helps maintain good circulation, pumping blood to your skin. And have you noticed that people who exercise regularly look years younger? That's because they have enough healthy muscle tissue to anchor and support the skin around it, so the skin stays firm and sags less. If you're not the athletic type, remember that sports and going to the gym are not the only way to stay fit. Walk instead of the elevator. Even choosing to stand rather than sitting down can make a difference.

Feed Your Skin!

What goes on inside your body shows on the outside. While most of the food you eat may not directly affect your skin's condition, they will contribute to your overall health, and this will reflect on your skin. For example, everyone has heard about the dangers of a high-fat diet, particularly in increasing the risk for heart disease. But did you know that eating a lot of fat can also increase the chances of developing precancerous spots and maybe even skin cancer? Clearly, a low-fat diet is as good for your skin as it is for your heart. But a healthy, skin-friendly diet is not just about eating less fat; you also need to eat more fruits and vegetables - at least five servings a day. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which can help reduce the effects of aging and even prevent cancer. And although vitamin supplements cannot take the place of natural foods, they can be useful if you are unable to take in the correct amount of fruits and vegetables. Vitamins such as A, C, E and B complex are crucial to healthy skin. So when you're thinking what to have for your next meal, don't forget to give your skin the food it needs too!

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